Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to Fix BCD Corruption and Data Loss in Microsoft Windows Vista?

Are you getting startup errors in Microsoft Windows Vista? Is your Windows Vista operating system-based computer unbootable and your data totally inaccessible? The problem generally occurs due to some missing or damaged boot files from your Windows Vista computer. In such cases, the operating system can not get enough resources to start up and throws errors. At this point, you can not get into your system and access your hard drive partitions. It leads to critical partition loss and requires Windows partition recovery.

When you try to boot your Microsoft Windows Vista computer, you may run across the below error message:

“File: \Boot\BCD
Status: 0xc0000034
Info: The Windows Boot Configuration Data file is missing required information.”

The boot process is halted with this error message. It occurs every time you try to boot your system from Windows hard drive. To access your Windows hard drive partitions in such situations, you are required to identify the cause of this behavior and recover partition using appropriate tools.

What Causes BCD Errors in Windows Vista?

You may encounter this behavior of Microsoft Windows Vista operating system if any of the below mentioned conditions is true:

The Bootmgr (Windows Boot Manager) entry does not present in BCD (Boot Configuration Data) store.
The Boot\BCD system file on active Windows hard drive partition is either missing or damaged.

How to Fix BCD Errors in Windows Vista?

Follow the below steps in ordered fashion to work around this problem:

Repair Boot Configuration Data store with the help of Startup Repair option. The Startup Repair option can not be accessed in Windows Recovery Environment.

Rebuild the Boot Configuration Data store with the help of Bootrec.exe utility. You should opt for this option if the above method does not help.

Rebuild the Boot Configuration Data store manually with the help of Bcdedit.exe utility. The tool is accessed through Windows Recovery Environment.

When all else fails, format your hard drive and reinstall Microsoft Windows Vista operating system. It replaces all the damaged system and boot files.

Though, formatting fixes all the system related issues, but also removes hard drive partitions and raises need of partition recovery software.

The partition recovery programs are capable of thoroughly scanning whole hard drive and extracting all missing, corrupt, deleted, and inaccessible hard drive partitions after all partition loss scenarios. They are totally safe and easy to use.

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